This Guy Would Give Steph Curry A Run For His Money...
Today I've got to share with you the story of one of my favorite shooting coaches online! 😃
This dude absolutely drains triples and has a shot as smooth as butter.
He's the REAL DEAL! 😎
Even though he could out-shoot you or me with ease, we have more in common with him than you might think 😄
This guy has a genuine and invigorating love for the game of basketball. ❤
So who am I talking about?!
Well none other than esteemed shooting coach Mike Dunn - @Seemikedunn
This guy had an awesome career with Philadelphia University playing for legendary Head Coach Herb Mcgee, aka the 'Shot Doctor' who was inducted into Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame. 🏀
So I'm sure Coach Mcgee was a big influence on Mike's career and the accolades Mike earned, but at the end of the day it was Mike who put in the work and made it happen.
Mike had an incredible freshman season, earning CACC rookie of the year honors, leading the league in 3-point shooting percentage at 47.5% and earning one of the best season records for made 3-point field goals in a season. 🏆
O yeah, and his free throw percentage was over 90%! 😮
But he was just getting started. 🔥
Mike was a first-team Mid-Penn Commonwealth selection as a junior and senior, and was named to Patriot News Big 15 team as a senior 😎
Mike can just flat out shoot! 😄
Click here to see
By the way, one of my buddies told me a joke I think Mike appreciate if he reads this...
"How many Mikes does it take to screw in a light bulb? 🤔
No one knows because he keeps shooting the lights out! LOL 😂😂😂"
If you check out his page, you'll see there's mad truth to that joke too!
How did Mike skill up to this level? 🤔
It must be his love for the game right?
Of course!
So where did Mike's love for the game begin?
Well... growing up he used to play at a park near his home in Linglestown, Pa.
Every opportunity Mike had, he'd shoot on those double rims at the park, perfecting his craft. 😄
Since they were double rims, the ball would bounce wildly and there wasn't really room for error.
So it seemed to shaped his philosophy about the game and the desire to perfect his shot.
Not long after, Mike's dad hooked him up! 👍
His dad painted a basketball key on their driveway in the backyard, installed a beautiful basketball hoop, and mounted an industrialized parking lot light on the back side of their house. 😮
From then on, Mike would shoot 24/7 and the rest was history...
Mike has been in love with the game and shooting pretty much everyday ever since! ❤
And it shows.
One of the things I appreciate about his page is that he preaches daily consistency and hard work.
For Mike, there's no real secrets to shooting.
Sure, there are some techniques to focus on, which he also teaches on, but at the end of the day, it's about repetition first and foremost.
Some techniques Mike focuses on and explains well, are balance and keeping shooting form the same, no matter the distance you are from the hoop. 🏀
Another reason his page is easy to like is because he's got a sense of humor with what he does, and Trick Shot Tuesday are pretty sweet.
Click Here To See
So Mike, thank you for all that you share kind sir. 😄
I'm a big fan and it would it would be an honor to shoot with you one day. 🏀
You're Instagram page is awesome and the sport is blessed to have you as a part of it!
All the best with your craft and we're looking forward to your new content. 👍
For The Love of Basketball!
Be Like Mike.
Never Stop Shooting!
Never Stop Loving The Game. ❤
Until next time,
Joey Erlic
Founder of HoopLight